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Micro Crystal: Low Power Miniature RTC Module, RV-3028-C8
With the brand new RV-3028-C8, Micro Crystal introduces thier smallest package (C8) RTC Module. It is ideal to increase Battery Life and reduce PCB space needs for very stable Timing Accuracy.
Micro Crystal: RTC Module for cost sensitive applications -> RV-8263-C7/C8
he RV-8263-C7/C8 is a high-performance Real-Time Clock (RTC) module designed for cost-sensitive applications that require accurate timekeeping with low power consumption
Micro Crystal: CM9V-T1A, miniature 32.768kHz Crystal, SMD 1.6x1.0mm
CM9V-T1A is a low frequency SMT Quartz Crystal Unit that incorporates a tuning fork Quartz Crystal Resonator. It operates under vacuum in a hermetically sealed ceramic package with metal lid.
Micro Crystal: RTC Modules for Time Keeping Applications
Versatile timekeeping devices known as Real-Time Clock (RTC) Modules come with key features that can be seamlessly integrated into diverse metering systems for tracking and recording consumption.
MicroCrystal: RV-3028-C7, extreme low power RTC Module
RTC Module with 45nA power consumption
RV-3032-C7 Hochleistungs-RTC mit Temperaturkompensation und I²C-Schnittstelle
Das RV-3032-C7 ist ideal für Anwendungen, die eine permanente Zeitmessung erfordern und eine hohe zeitliche Genauigkeit sowie eine lange Batterielebensdauer erfordern.
Ultra-Low Power Quartz Based Timing Components to solve your design challenges
The management of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) is a topic of major importance at Micro Crystal AG (Distributes by SE Spezial-Electronic) in order to provide electronic components that are non-toxic for the environment.
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