Xsens Sirius AHRS/VRU/IMU delivers unmatched heading accuracy, drift-free orientation (roll, pitch, yaw), and calibrated inertial data, even in challenging environments. Ideal for applications demanding precise and reliable heading in any condition.
Please note: Hardware Version 1 includes RS232 & CAN Interface (without CAN protocol).
With next firmware release CAN protocol will be available.
For RS422/CAN version please contact our sales vertrieb@spezial.com
- Xsens Sirius AHRS - R232/CAN
- 12 pins multi-purpose cable (loose ends)
- RS232 to USB cable
- MT Software Suite
- Case
Please note: Hardware Version 1 includes RS232 & CAN Interface (without CAN protocol).
With next firmware release CAN protocol will be available.
For RS422/CAN version please contact our sales vertrieb@spezial.com